Jacy | Sparkz

Jacy | Sparkz

Jacy | Sparkz

Jacy | Sparkz

Research + Writing

Research + Writing

Research + Writing

Research + Writing

I enjoy researching and writing about the world of consumer crypto, blockchain technology, AI, and digital assets. Please subscribe to my newsletter, Future Proof, on Paragraph. I previously wrote a weekly column for 150k readers of the Overpriced JPEGs newsletter and provided research for the 10k readers of 51 Insights. I was also a reporter and managing editor of the oldest regional business publication in the U.S,

I enjoy researching and writing about the world of consumer crypto, blockchain technology, AI, and digital assets. Please subscribe to my newsletter, Future Proof, on Paragraph. I previously wrote a weekly column for 150k readers of the Overpriced JPEGs newsletter and provided research for the 10k readers of 51 Insights. I was also a reporter and managing editor of the oldest regional business publication in the U.S,

I enjoy researching and writing about the world of consumer crypto, blockchain technology, AI, and digital assets. Please subscribe to my newsletter, Future Proof, on Paragraph. I previously wrote a weekly column for 150k readers of the Overpriced JPEGs newsletter and provided research for the 10k readers of 51 Insights. I was also a reporter and managing editor of the oldest regional business publication in the U.S,

I enjoy researching and writing about the world of consumer crypto, blockchain technology, AI, and digital assets. Please subscribe to my newsletter, Future Proof, on Paragraph. I previously wrote a weekly column for 150k readers of the Overpriced JPEGs newsletter and provided research for the 10k readers of 51 Insights. I was also a reporter and managing editor of the oldest regional business publication in the U.S,

Relentless Pursuit

Fueled by insatiable curiosity, I'm fascinated by the new Internet and all things emerging tech, particularly in the areas of blockchain and digital assets.

Relentless Pursuit

Fueled by insatiable curiosity, I'm fascinated by the new Internet and all things emerging tech, particularly in the areas of blockchain and digital assets.

Relentless Pursuit

Fueled by insatiable curiosity, I'm fascinated by the new Internet and all things emerging tech, particularly in the areas of blockchain and digital assets.

Relentless Pursuit

Fueled by insatiable curiosity, I'm fascinated by the new Internet and all things emerging tech, particularly in the areas of blockchain and digital assets.